カテゴリホビー、カルチャーミリタリー個人装備戦闘服状態目立った傷や汚れなし(詳細)米陸軍兵士用山岳ゴーグル、第二次世界大戦中使用 (太平洋戦争、アメリカ) 米陸軍第10山岳師団で使用。同師団は米陸軍内唯一の、山岳地方での戦法に特化した師団で、スキー、山岳、寒冷地・高知でのサバイバル、岩登りなどでの戦術を行う。第二次世界大戦中はナチス軍とも戦った。同ゴーグルは、雪盲・紫外線からの防御用に使用。同出品物はヘッドバンド部、布や革部分も全て整った状態に有ります。 US Army Ski Troopers Goggles from WWII As used by the United States Army’s 10th Mountain Division, the only unit in the US Army trained in specialized tactics such as skiing, mountaineering, cold-weather survival, rock climbing, and snowshoeing and high altitude survival. Unit fought against the Germans during WWII. Goggle made to prevent snow blindness and protection against UV rays. This example is still in good shape with, head band, leather, canvas parts all still in good condition.
US Army Ski Troopers Goggles from WWII
As used by the United States Army’s 10th Mountain Division, the only unit in the US Army trained in specialized tactics such as skiing, mountaineering, cold-weather survival, rock climbing, and snowshoeing and high altitude survival. Unit fought against the Germans during WWII. Goggle made to prevent snow blindness and protection against UV rays. This example is still in good shape with, head band, leather, canvas parts all still in good condition.